August 19, 2019

SCNJOBD – Scan Job Description for LIBRARY

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SCNJOBD will scan all job descriptions in a given library, *LIBL or *ALLUSR looking for a scan name – typically a library.

Have you ever needed to rename or delete a library and struggled find where that library is referenced?

SCNJOBD makes this simple:

SCNJOBD - Scan Job Description for LIBRARY 1

This will scan for all job descriptions in your library list looking for any library called “BOB”.

We can display all libraries, highlighting any that match or simply jump straight to the *MATCHES and show those that match only.

How about scanning all libraries on the system that may contain any reference to library NLITTEN

All job descriptions that are scanned will be displayed:

SCNJOBD - Scan Job Description for LIBRARY 2

While scanning you will see a real time status window:

SCNJOBD - Scan Job Description for LIBRARY 3

and the final results will be shown in a subfile:

SCNJOBD - Scan Job Description for LIBRARY 4

All the scan results are also written to our joblog for easy referencing:

SCNJOBD - Scan Job Description for LIBRARY 5
